SOSC - Sharara Oil Services Company
SOSC stands for Sharara Oil Services Company
Here you will find, what does SOSC stand for in Firm under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sharara Oil Services Company? Sharara Oil Services Company can be abbreviated as SOSC What does SOSC stand for? SOSC stands for Sharara Oil Services Company. What does Sharara Oil Services Company mean?The Libya based company is located in Tripoli, Tripoli engaged in oil & energy industry.
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Alternative definitions of SOSC
- Special Operations Support Command
- Special Olympics Southern California
- Soul Oilfield Services Corp
- Shred One Security Corp.
- special operations support command (theater army)
- Systems Operations Support Center
- Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center
View 17 other definitions of SOSC on the main acronym page
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- SES Scion Executive Search
- SCP Saint Clement Parish
- SSFS Sutherland Shire Family Services
- SRL Spark Revenue LLC
- SHP Stephen Hill Partnership
- SMI Sable Marco Inc
- SAI Shephard Ashmore Insurance
- SMHCSL Stewart Milne Homes Central Scotland Limited
- STT Seasons Tours and Travel
- SMDCPL SMD Consultants Private Limited
- SWSD South Williamsport School Dist
- SHSD Somerset Hills School District
- SSRS Sing Sing Recording Studio
- SMSR Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research
- SPL Sam Partner Ltd
- SIML Style International Management Limited